Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Đề số 17 - Sở GD&ĐT Hà Nam

Part II. You will hear a man called Paul Hart talking about his trip to Africa with a team of scientists. For each question, choose the best option A, B or C. (10 points)
1. Why did Paul choose the part of Africa he visited?

A. It is good for walking.

B. It will soon change.

C. He had been there before.

2. What made the team’s journey slow?

A. clearing paths through the forest

B. finding somewhere safe to camp

C. carrying heavy equipment

3. What did Paul worry about during the trip?

A. the number of dangerous animals

B. getting information he needed

C. being responsible for a team of people

4. Paul says that the team didn’t have enough food because

A. some people ate more than they should.

B. the walk took longer than expected.

C. some of the food went bad too quickly.

doc 8 trang Quốc Hùng 07/08/2023 1200
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Nội dung text: Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Đề số 17 - Sở GD&ĐT Hà Nam

  1. SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 9 HÀ NAM Môn: Tiếng Anh ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút ( Đề thi gồm có 8 trang - Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi này) SECTION A: LISTENING (30 points) Part I. Listen and complete the note. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. (10 points) First type of accommodation: (1)___ Problem with the first accommodation: (2) ___ Second type of accommodation: (3) ___ Name of the course: (4) ___ Comment about the course: Computer room busy Suggestion for improving the course: (5) ___ Part II. You will hear a man called Paul Hart talking about his trip to Africa with a team of scientists. For each question, choose the best option A, B or C. (10 points) 1. Why did Paul choose the part of Africa he visited? A. It is good for walking. B. It will soon change. C. He had been there before. 2. What made the team’s journey slow? A. clearing paths through the forest B. finding somewhere safe to camp C. carrying heavy equipment 3. What did Paul worry about during the trip? A. the number of dangerous animals B. getting information he needed C. being responsible for a team of people 4. Paul says that the team didn’t have enough food because A. some people ate more than they should. B. the walk took longer than expected. C. some of the food went bad too quickly. Page 1 of 8
  2. 5. Why were the team grateful to a fisherman they met? A. He let everyone rest on his boat. C. He helped one of them who was ill. C. He told them which direction to take. Your answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part III. Look at the sentences for this part. You will hear a conversation between a boy, Simon, and a girl, Tina, about some problems Tina is having at school. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick (√) in the box under A for YES. If it is correct, put a tick (√) in the box under B for NO.(10 points) A B YES NO 0. Simon thinks Tina should talk about her problem. √ 1. Simon agrees that the teachers are unfair. 2. Tina doesn’t concentrate in class. 3. Tina is ill. 4. Simon feels sorry for Tina. 5. Tina realizes her mistakes. SECTION B. PHONETICS (10 points) Part I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest. (5 points) A. chaos B. toothache C. watch D. archeology A. offered B. owned C. ruled D. washed A. addition B. advertise C. advantage D. adventure A. beard B search C. pearl D. heard A. eruption B. tradition C. suggestion D. celebration Your answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in the group. (5 points) 1. A. federation B. mausoleum C. correspond D. optional 2. A. comic B. destroy C. paper D. common 3. A. achievement B. experiment C. explanation D. discovery 4. A. biology B. comfortable C. chemistry D. company 5. A. understand B. engineer C. Vietnamese D. festival Your answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Page 2 of 8
  3. SECTION C. LEXICO AND GRAMMAR (75 points) Part I. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence. (15 points) 1. Nobody is ready, ___ ? A. is he B. isn’t he C. are they D. aren’t they 2. The ___built to the factory provided valuable extra space. A. extension B. enlargement C. expansion D. development 3. You need to ___a lot of effort to become a good English learner. A. use B. take C. do D. make 4. Film studios would not make violent movies if people ___to watch them. A. do not want B. didn’t want C. couldn’t want D. not wanting 5. People came from ___to take part in the demonstration Washington. A. round and round B. out and about C. there and back D. far and wide 6. The men and animals ___were coming through the street made a big cloud of dust. A. who B. which C. that D. whom 7. - Peter: "Thanks for your help, John." - John: "___ ." A. With all my heart B. Never remind me C. It's my pleasure D. As you wish 8. The new experimental system didn’t ___expectations. A. catch up with B. come up to C. bring about D. come across 9. The MP3 is ___ . It can be carried around easily. A. controllable B. usable C. portable D. unbreakable 10. I’m ___the habit of getting up early. A. on B. at C. for D. in 11. Jane likes watching films, but she is not ___ keen on any kind. A. specially B. certainly C. largely D. particularly 12. ___school leavers go to Vocational Schools than before. A. Less B. Far more C. Many D. Lots more 13. - A: Have you written to John yet? - B: No, I didn’t know his address; ___, I would have written to him. A. because B. otherwise C. consequently D. therefore 14. Recently engineering development has made ___to recycle plastic soda bottles into polyester fabric. A. possible, and B. it is possible C. the possible D. it possible 15. In order to buy his house, he had to obtain a large___ from his bank. A. loan B. finance C. capital D. debt Your answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page 3 of 8
  4. Part II. Give the correct form of the words to complete the following sentences. (20 points) When a celebrity, a politician or other person in the media spotlight loses their temper in public, they run the risk of hitting the headline in a most (1. EMBARRASS) ___way. For such uncontrolled outbursts of (2. ANGRY) ___are often triggered by what seem to be trivial matters and, if they are caught on camera, can make the person appear slightly ridiculous. But it’s not only the rich and famous who are prone to fits of rage. According to recent surveys, ordinary people are (3.INCREASE) ___tending to lose their cool in public. Yet anger is a potentially (4. DESTROY) ___emotion that uses a lot of energy and create a high level of emotional and physical stress-and it stops us thinking rationally. (5. CONSEQUENT) ___, angry people often end up saying, and doing things they later have cause to regret. So, how can anger be avoided? Firstly, diet and lifestyle may be to blame. (6.TOLERATE) ___and irritability certainly come to the surface when someone hasn’t slept properly or has skipped a meal, and any intake of caffeine can make things (7. BAD) ___. Taking regular exercise can help to ease and diffuse (8. FEEL) ___ of aggression, however, reducing the chances of an angry (9. RESPOND) ___. But if something or someone does make you angry, it is (10. ADVISE) ___not to act immediately. Once you’ve calmed down, things will look half as bad as you first thought. Your answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Part III. There is one mistake in each line of the following passage. Find, underline and correct them. (20 points) The world is getting warmest and the oceans are rising. Why is this 0. warmer happening? One answer is that it could simple be part of a natural 1. process. After all, there has been ice ages and long periods of warmth, 2. so we could just be experiencing other warming trend. This kind of 3. answer had less supporters a few years ago. What scientists now 4. believe is that human activity is the cause. For more than two hundreds 5. years, human had been gradually changed the atmosphere, mainly as a 6. result of industrial pollution. We have created a atmosphere around the 7. . earth that, like a giant glass container, lets hot from the sun through and 8. . then holds them in. Will the temperatures and sea levels keep rising? 9. . The general answer is fortunately yes. 10. . Part IV. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. (20 points) a. No decision (1. make) about any future appointment until all suitable candidates ( 2. interview). b. Not until I lived with him I (3. realize) that he (4. cheat) me and it was my terrible mistake to marry him. Page 4 of 8
  5. c. (5.Write) the letter, she put it in an envelope. d. He wore the false beard (6. avoid) (7.recognize). e. She describes the accident as if she (8.witness) it yesterday. f. When the liner (9. hit) the iceberg yesterday, most of the passengers (10. have) dinner. Your answer: 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. SECTION D. READING COMPREHENSION (40 points) Part I. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word to complete the following paragraph. (20 points) On April Fools' Day, people in many countries play tricks on each (1) ___. Usually, the tricks involve making friends believe something ridiculous. On this day you could, for example, tell a friend there is a huge spider on their shoulder. If they believe you, you have succeeded (2) ___fooling them, and even if you only trick them for a second, you have (3) ___right to shout "April Fool!" This day, 1st April, is also known as All Fools’ Day. In some countries, such as Ireland or Cyprus, you can only try to fool someone before twelve noon. (4) ___ you do play tricks after midday, you will become the fool instead. So it is advisable for you to do that in the morning. (5) ___you do for, all you want is fun rather than do harm to others. And if you don’t want to be foolish, be sensitive! But how did this (6) ___ begin? Some say April Fools’ Day originated in France when that country adopted the new Gregorian calendar. In the previous calendar, New Year was celebrated (7) ___25th March until 1st April, not on 1st January, as in the Gregorian calendar. Some people refused to (8) ___the new calendar, and continued to celebrate the New Year in spring. Other people made fun of them and laughed at them (9) ___ they were old- fashioned and didn't want to change. Now April Fools' Day has become a global tradition, and no one is safe! People play tricks on anyone, not just on (10) ___ who don't want to change with the times. Your answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Part II. Circle the correct answer A, B, C or D that best fits each of the blank spaces. (10 points) In practically any country in the world, you are (1) ___ to find a market somewhere. Markets have been with us since (2) ___ times, and arose wherever people needed to exchange the goods they produced. For example, a farmer might have exchanged a cow for tools. But just as times have (3) ___, so have markets practices. So, (4) ___ in early times the main activity (5) ___ with markets would have been ‘bartering’- in (6) ___ Page 5 of 8
  6. words exchanging goods – today most stall-holders wouldn’t be too (7) ___ on accepting potatoes as payment, for instance, instead of cash. In contrast, what might be a common (8) ___ in a modern market in some countries is a certain amount of ‘haggling’, where customer and seller eventually (9) ___ on a price, after what sometimes be quite a heated debate. However, behavior which is expected in a market in one country may not be acceptable in another. Even within one country, there may be some markets where you could haggle quite (10) ___ and others where it would be advisable not to try. 1. A. inevitable B. confident C. sure D. definite 2. A. ancient B. antique C. old D. past 3. A. changed B. turned C. developed D. differed 4. A. however B. despite C. nevertheless D. whereas 5. A. associated B. relating C. connecting D. attached 6. A. different B. other C. new D. alternative 7. A. fond B. keen C. eager D. pleased 8. A. look B. vision C. sight D. view 9. A. confirm B. consent C. approve D. agree 10. A. simply B. plainly C. easily D. clearly Your answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Part III. Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question. (10 points) If you were to stop people in the street and ask them to name a ship that had been sunk, it is likely that nearly all of them would say the Titanic. For the sinking of the Titanic was, if not the most tragic, certainly the most famous sea disaster in the history of ocean travel. The Titanic was built as a luxury liner, intended to be the fastest in the world, and a great deal of publicity had surrounded it. The last point probably explains why so many important people from all walks of life were on the boat when it went down. The Titanic was on its maiden voyage to America in 1912 when it struck an iceberg and sank. Of its 2,300 passengers, more than two-thirds were drowned. Because the Titanic was thought to be virtually unsinkable, no one was prepared for the tragedy. There was total panic as very few of the passengers had bothered to learn the necessary drill in the event of trouble. There was severe shortage of lifeboats and those that were launched were still half-empty. The one point of calm was to be found in the ballroom where the band carried on playing right to the very end. What makes the sinking of the Titanic even more tragic is the fact that warnings of icebergs had been sent, yet the liner was still continuing at full speed. In addition, one ship was only ten miles away but did not receive the distress signal. One good thing did, however, result from the disaster. The whole question of safety at sea was looked into, resulting in much better safety measures, including stricter lifeboat regulations and the establishment of an iceberg patrol. Page 6 of 8
  7. 1. The sinking of the Titanic was___. A. the most tragic sea disaster. B. the most historic sea disaster. C. the most famous sea disaster. D. the first great sea disaster. 2. What can the word “maiden” be best replaced with? A. first B. historical C. important D. last 3. The life boats were___. A. too short B. launched too soon C. half finished D. poorly equipped 4. The word “ those” refers to___. A. passengers B. icebergs C. people D. lifeboats 5. The positive result of the disaster was that___. A. a full inquiry was made. B. sea travel was made safer. C. lifeboats were made larger. D. a program of iceberg destruction was started. Your answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SECTION E. WRITING (45 points) Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. (10 points) 1. If I met the author one day, I'd ask him to sign my copy of this book. →Were I 2. I haven’t seen her for 2 years. → It’s 3. “Whatever you do, don’t walk on the grass.” the safeguard said to the tourists. →The safeguard warned . 4. They think that the flowers in this region are killed by frost. →The flowers . 5. I don't really like her, even though I admire her achievements. →Much Part II. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means exactly the same as the given one. Using the given word in brackets. Do not change the word. (10 points) 1. She thought it was too difficult for her to finish her work by lunchtime.( FOUND) → . her work by lunchtime. 2. Although the dog appeared harmless, it was, in fact, quite dangerous. (CONTRARY) → , in fact, quite dangerous. 3. As far as I know he is still working in Bristol. (KNOWLEDGE). → , he is still working in Bristol. 4. David impressed his new boss by settling down to work. (GOOD) →David his new boss by settling down to work. 5. Be sure to say goodbye to your grandmother before you leave. (WITHOUT) →Be sure to your grandmother. Page 7 of 8
  8. Part III. Writing a passage. (25 points) In 150 - 180 words write a passage about your hobby. Use specific reasons and details to support your writing. THE END Page 8 of 8