Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Đề 28 - Năm học 2022-2023 (Có đáp án)

Choose the best answer: (2ms)

1- We ………..friends for 10 years. 

A- have been                      B- has been             C- was           D-  were

2- The washing machine was expensive,............ we couldn’t afford to buy it.

A- however             B. because               C- but                     D- so

3-They are discussing the celebration......is going to be held at the end of the month.

A- this                     B- it                        C- who                              D- that

4-He didn’t have much money,........ he bought a lot of things at the shop for Tet

A- but                                B- and                     C- or                       D- so

5- The air is polluted..........there’s too much traffic.

A-  but                   B- therefore             C- because              D- however 

docx 4 trang Phương Ngọc 12/06/2023 2720
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  1. ĐỀ 28 I. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Which underlined sound is pronounced differently in each group. (1m) A. prepare B. speaker C. fare D. hair A. tired B. bicycle C. exciting D. favorite A. father B. earth C. both D. marathon A. polluted B. played C. prepared D. watered Choose the best answer: (2ms) 1- We friends for 10 years. A- have been B- has been C- was D- were 2- The washing machine was expensive, we couldn’t afford to buy it. A- however B. because C- but D- so 3-They are discussing the celebration is going to be held at the end of the month. A- this B- it C- who D- that 4-He didn’t have much money, he bought a lot of things at the shop for Tet A- but B- and C- or D- so 5- The air is polluted there’s too much traffic. A- but B- therefore C- because D- however 6- My mother showed me how clothes. A- to make B- make C- making D- made 7- She goes to the library twice a week. She reads books there. A- usually B- never C- rarely D- once 8- If she continues to use the electricity that way, she to pay a large bill. A- would have B- have C use to have D-will have Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets: (1m) 1. We suggest (go) to the movies. -> 2. If today (be) Saturday, we could go to the beach. ->
  2. 3. Yesterday we (get ) to the show late because the traffic was terrible. -> 4. ( Not make) such noise. My mother ( sleep) -> II. LISTEN: Listen and complete the gaps: (2marks) The natural (1) called “Tidal Waves” often occur suddenly. They are the result of an(2) shift underwater(3) of the Earth. In the late 2004, a series of tidal waves struck the seasides of Indonesia, Thailand, and some other Asian countries. The famous resorts such as Phuket and Fifi were completely (4) A large of people were killed. III. Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words given : (2 marks) 1. The man is my father. He is standing over there. The man who 2. They are building the house. The house 3. “Can you open the window?” Lan asked me. Lan asked me 4. We should clean our classroom every day. He suggest IV. Read the paragraph and put (T) true or (F) false (2 marks) Choose the best answer: Are you looking for a cheap, clean, (1) source of power that doesn’t cause (2) or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar energy from our sun. At present, most of our (3) comes from the use of coal and gas, oil or nuclear power. This power could be provided by the sun. One percent of the solar energy that reaches the earth is enough to provide (4) for the total population.Many countries are already using solar energy. Solar panels are placed on the (5) of our house and
  3. the Sun’s (6) .is used to heat water. The energy can be .(7). For a number of days, so on cloudy days you can use (8) . energy, too. Number A B C D 1 effect effective effectively effectiveness 2 polluted pollute pollution unpolluted 3 electric electrical electrician electricity 4 power nuclear electricity source 5 streets grounds roofs suns 6 power energy nuclear power panels 7 store storage storing stored 8 Lunar wind cloudy solar ANSWER KEYS I. LISTENING: (2ms) The natural(1). disarters called “Tidal Waves” often occur suddenly. They are the result of an(2) abrupt shift underwater(3) movement of the Earth. In the late 2004, a series of tidal waves struck the seasides of Indonesia, ThaiLand, and some other Asian countries. The famous resorts such as Phuket and Fifi were completely (4). destroyed. A large of people were killed. II. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Which underlined sound is pronounced differently in each group. (1m) 1 2 3 4 B. speaker B. favorite A. father A. polluted Choose the best answer: (2ms) 1 2 3 4 A- but D- so B- will have D- that 5 6 7 8 C- because B- usually C-to make A-have been
  4. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets: (1 ms) 1 2 3 4 5 going Were came Don’t make is sleeping III. READING: Read the paragraph and put (T) true or (F) false (2 marks) 1 2 3 4 B. effective C. pollution D. electricity A. power 5 6 7 8 C. roofs A. energy C. stored D. solar IV. WRITING: Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words given : (2 marks) 1. Lan asked me to open the window. 2. The house is being built 3. The man who is standing over there is my father. 4. He suggest cleaning our classroom every day