Đề thi học kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 4 (Có đáp án)

Write a sentence for each of the following, using used to or didn't use to.

1. I had a lot of money but I lost it all when my business failed.


2. Iquite like classical music now, although I wasn’t keen on it when I was younger.


3. Iseem to have lost interest in my work.


4. My brother had his hair cut short when he joined the army.


5. Dennis gave up smoking three years ago.


6. My parents lived in the USA when they were young.


7. Jim was my best friend, but we aren’t friends any more.


8. When he has younger, my uncle was a national swimming champion.


9. Ieat ice-cream now, but I dislike eating it when I was a child.


10. Now there are more traffic accidents than there used to be.


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Nội dung text: Đề thi học kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 4 (Có đáp án)

  1. UNIT 4 I. Used to do something (Đã từng làm gì) Chỉ một thói quen, một hành động thường xuyên xảy ra trong quá khứ và bây giờ không còn nữa. - S + used to + V + S + didn’t use to + V ? Did (not) + S + use to + V? Ex: I used to drive to work but now I take the bus. * Phân biệt giữa USED TO, BE/GET USED TO, BE USED FOR - Used to do something: Đã từng làm việc gì trong quá khứ mà nay không làm nữa. Đây là mẫu câu chỉ sử dụng ở thời quá khứ. Ex: I used to get up early in the morning when I was a student (But I don’t get up early now). * Be/ get used to N/ doing something: (trở nên/ dần) quen với. Mẫu câu này có thể sử dụng ở thời quá khứ, hiện tại hoặc tương lai. Trong cấu trúc này, “used” là một tính từ và “to” là một giới từ. S + be/get used to + V-ing = S + be/get accustomed to + V-ing Ex: I am used to getting up early in the morning. Tôi quen với việc dậy sớm vào buổi sáng. - Hình thức bị động của “used to” được dùng trong câu bị động, mang nghĩa để làm gì: S + be used to + V = S + be used for + Ving II. WISH DÙNG TRONG HIỆN TẠI Để diễn đạt một ước muốn không thể thực hiện được trong tương lai. S + wish(es) + S + thì quá khứ đơn Ex: We wish we could go for a picnic this weekend. EXCERCISES I. USED TO 1. Put in a to-infinitive or to + ing-form. Use the verbs in brackets. 1. When I was a child, I used (dream) of being an astronaut. 2. I’m terribly nervous. I’m not used (speak) to a large audience. 3. It took us ages to get used (live) in an apartment house. 4. Lots of trains used (stop) here, but not many do now. 5. Didn’t Nick use (work) on a building site? 6. I’ll have an orange juice, please. I’m not used (drink) alcohol. 7. David doesn’t seem to mind being in hospital. I suppose he’s got used (be) there. 8. When Laura was at college, she used (have) a picture of Elvis Presley on her bedroom wall. 9. There used (be) a cinema here but it was knocked down a few years ago. 10. When she arrived in Britain, she wasn’t used (drive) on the left, but she soon got used to it. 2. Write a sentence for each of the following, using used to or didn't use to. 1. I had a lot of money but I lost it all when my business failed. ___ 2. Iquite like classical music now, although I wasn’t keen on it when I was younger. ___ 3. Iseem to have lost interest in my work. ___
  2. 4. My brother had his hair cut short when he joined the army. ___ 5. Dennis gave up smoking three years ago. ___ 6. My parents lived in the USA when they were young. ___ 7. Jim was my best friend, but we aren’t friends any more. ___ 8. When he has younger, my uncle was a national swimming champion. ___ 9. Ieat ice-cream now, but I dislike eating it when I was a child. ___ 10. Now there are more traffic accidents than there used to be. ___ 3. Rewrite these sentences, using “used to” or a suitable tense of “be (not) used to”. 1. John still finds the cold weather difficult ___ 2. Did you go to church on Sundays when you were young? ___ 3. When Barbara was in Italy, she stayed with an Italy family. ___ 4. It is Christ’s habit to drive to work every day ___ 5. Mr. Michael grew tulips but he doesn’t any more. ___ 6. Ican’t do without fresh coffee. I drink it every day. ___ 7. My mother works in a modern office, but she finds it strange to use a computer. ___ 8. Archie didn’t fight with Lulu, in the past. ___ 9. Frank lives alone. He doesn’t mind this because he has lived alone for 15 years. ___ 10.1 find it difficult to get up early. ___. II. WISH 1. Complete the following conversations using the appropriate tense of the verbs I in brackets. Then practice the conversations with your partner.
  3. 1. Tuan: I wish I___(have) a vacation now. Minh: I wish I___(do) too. 2. Hien: I wish this city___(not be) so polluted Nhi: I know. I wish we___(live) in the countryside. 3. Nga: Do you know anything about this subject? Thao: No, I wish I___(know) so that I can help you. 4. Lien: Do you ever wish you___(return) to New Zealand one day? Tam: Yeah, sometimes I wish I___(be) there right now. 5. Long: Do you like the climate here? Quang: Not really. I wish it___(not be) too hot. 6. Ngan: It’s too cold today. Tien: Yeah, I wish it___(not be) 7. Thu: Do you speak Japanese? Phong: No, I wish I___(do) 8. Nhat: I cant play the guitar. Mai: I wish you___(can) 9. Uyen: Do you enjoy the class? Giang: Not really. I wish it___(not require) so much reading. 10. Thuy: I don’t like this film. Tam: Yes, I wish it___(be) shorter. 2. Write sentences using the words or phrases given. 1. I/ wish/I/ have/ more/ friends/ and/I/ not/ be/ lonely. ___ 2. Mary/ wish/ her parents/ not/ have/ go/ on/ business/ trips/ so/ often. ___ 3. Many/ people/ wish/ they/ be/ wealthy/ but/ I/ do/ not. ___ 4. I/ wish/ my/ mother/ be/ less/ busy/ so that/ she/ have/ more/ time/ for/ me. ___ 5. Jim/ wish/ his/ parents/ not/ expect/ too/ much/ from/ him. ___ 6. Old/ man/ wish/ his/ grandchild/ visit/ him/ more/ often. ___ 7. I/ wish/ you/ can/ spend/ more/ time/ on/ study. ___ 8. They/ wish/ their/ team/ be/ champion.
  4. ___ 3. Rewrite the sentences using “wish” 1. They wont come here again. I wish 2. He wont go swimming with me. I wish 3. Jim’s friend lives very far from him. Jim wishes 4. My friend cannot afford her favorite camera. My friend wishes 5. The teacher makes us do a lot of homework. We 6. I cant sing as beautifully as my sister. I 7. My father is depressed that his favorite football team loses the ticket to the final. My father 8.I don’t have my own house at the moment. I 9. Mr. Brown is sad that there is no way he can get promotion this year. Mr. Brown 10. Peter is annoyed because there is too much noise from his neighbor. Peter KEY UNIT 4 I. USED TO 1. 1. to dream 2. to speaking 3. to living 4. to stop 5. to work 6. to drinking 7. to being 8. to have 9. to be 10. to driving 2. 1. I used to have a lot of money. /I used to be rich. 2. I didn’t use to like classical music. 3. I used to be interested in my work. 4. My brother used to have long hair. / My brother didn’t use to have short hair. 5. Dennis used to smoke. 6. My parents used to live in the USA. 7. Jim used to be my best friend. 8. My uncle used to be a national swimming champion.
  5. 9. I didn’t use to like ice cream. /I used to dislike eating ice cream. 10. There did not use to be many traffic accidents before. 3. 1. John isn’t used to the cold weather. 2. Did you use to go to church on Sunday? 3. Barbara used to live in Italy. 4. Christ is used to driving to work every day. 5. Mr. Michael used to grow tulips. 6. I’m used to drinking fresh coffee. 7. My mother isn’t used to using a computer. 8. Archie didn’t use to fight with Lulu. 9. Frank is used to living alone. 10. I’m not used to getting up early. II. WISH 1. 1. had-did 2. wasn’t/ weren’t-lived 3. knew 4. would return -was/ were 5. weren’t/ wasn’t 6. wasn’t/ weren’t 7. did 8. could 9. didn’t require 10. were/ was 2. 1. I wish I had more friends I wasn’t lonely. 2. Mary wishes her parents didn’t have to go on business trips so often. 3. Many people wish they were wealthy but I don’t. 4. I wish my mother was less busy so she had more time with me. 5. Jim wishes his parents didn’t expect too much from him. 6. The old man wishes this grandchild visited him more often. 7. I wish you could spend more time on studying. 8. They wish their team was the champion 3. 1. I wish they would come here again. 2. I wish he would go swimming with me. 3. Jim wishes his friend didn’t live very far from him. 4. My friend wishes she could afford her favorite camera. 5. We wish the teacher didn’t make US do a lot of homework. 6. I wish I could sing as beautifully as my sister.
  6. 7. My father wishes his favorite football team didn’t lose the ticket to the final. 8. I wish I had my own house at the moment. 9. Mr. Brown wishes he could get promotion this year. 10. Peter wishes that there wasn’t too much noise from his neighbor.