Đề thi học kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 2: Comparison of adjectives and adverbs (Có đáp án)

I. Complete the following sentences with correct form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. Hanoi is much (populous)___________than my hometown.
2. The city center is (densely)___________populated than the suburbs.
3. You can count on Peter. He is (reliable) ___________than he appears to be.
4. This singer performs (well)___________than she used to be three years ago.
5. This year we travel (far) ___________than we did last year.
6. I noticed that today my daughter looked (happy) ___________ than usual.
7. As people get old, they try to maintain a (healthy) ___________ lifestyle than when they are young
8. Travelling by bus is much (slow) ___________than travelling by bullet train.
9. Jim didn’t feel well today, so he performed (badly) ___________than usual.
10. You are (good) ___________than me when it comes to public speaking.
II. Circle the correct answer.
1. Jim boasted that he could run (faster/fastlier) than anyone else in his class.
2. Her presentation is (poorer/more poorly) prepared than I expected.
3. Jim seems to care (littler/ less) about his health than he should.
4. If you had tried (harder/ more hardly), you would have passed the test.
5. Today the sun shines (brighter/ more brightly) than yesterday.
6. Snow storm in my hometown is (more severe/ more severely) than anywhere else in the country.
7. I think you could reach a (higher/ more highly) position in the company if you tried.
8. If you behaved (cleverer/ more cleverly), they would look up to you.
9. Although my computer is old-fashioned, it runs (smoother/ more smoothly) than many of the modern ones.
10. Thanks to immense practice, Jim can speak English much (more fluent/ more fluently) than he used to.
docx 3 trang Quốc Hùng 08/08/2023 440
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  1. UNIT 2 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS (SO SÁNH TÍNH TỪ VÀ TRẠNG TỪ) I. EQUALITY (SO SÁNH BẰNG) As + adjective/ adverb + as Not as/ so + adjective/ adverb + as Ex: I am as tall as my brother. He cannot run so/ as fast as his friends. • As much/ many + (noun) as được dùng để nói về số lượng. Ex: I have not read as many books as my teacher advises me. John does not earn as much money as his wife does. • Cấu trúc the same + (noun) as cũng có thể được dùng. Ex: Lauras salary is the same as mine. Laura gets the same salary as me. II. COMPARATIVE (SO SÁNH HƠN) l. So sánh nhiều hơn • Thêm -er vào sau tính từ/ trạng từ có một âm tiết (short adjective/ adverb) và tính từ có hai âm tiết tận cùng bằng “y, et, le, er, ow” • Thêm more vào trước tính từ/ trạng từ có hai âm tiết trở lên (long adjective/ adverb), ngoại trừ các từ tận cùng bằng “y, et, le, er, ow” Short adjective/ adverb + ER + than MORE + long adjective/ adverb + than Ex: Country life is simpler than city life. John works harder than his brother. Gold is more expensive than silver. Jane speaks French more fluently than Mary. • Với danh từ: more + noun + than Ex: I have more books than Peter does 2. So sánh ít hơn LESS + adjective + than Ex: This picture is less valuable than that one • Với danh từ: less + noun + than Ex: I have less free time than I used to. III. SUPERLATIVE (SO SÁNH NHẤT) 1. So sánh nhiều nhất • Thêm -est vào sau tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn (short adjective/ adverb) và tính từ có hai âm tiết tận cùng bằng “y, et, el, er, ow” • Thêm most vào trước tính từ/ trạng từ dài (long adjective/ adverb) The + short adjective/ adverb + EST The MOST + long adjective/ adverb Ex: Tom is the tallest in our class. Which watch is the most expensive in your shop? • So sánh nhất được sử dụng khi so sánh từ ba đối tượng trở lên. Khi trong nhóm có hai đối tượng thì ta 1
  2. sử dụng so sánh hơn. Ex: I like Betty and Maud but I think Maud is the nicer of the two 2. So sánh ít nhất The least + adjective Ex: This hotel is the least comfortable of the three. LƯU Ý: “much, far, a lot” được dùng để nhấn mạnh so sánh hơn. Trong hình thức so sánh, tính từ ngắn thường đứng trước tính từ dài. Ex: My car is faster and more comfortable than hers. Hình thức so sánh bất quy tắc: good/ well better the best bad/ badly worse the worst many/ much more the most little less the least far farther/ further the farthest/ the furthest EXCERCISES I. Complete the following sentences with correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. Hanoi is much (populous)___than my hometown. 2. The city center is (densely)___populated than the suburbs. 3. You can count on Peter. He is (reliable) ___than he appears to be. 4. This singer performs (well)___than she used to be three years ago. 5. This year we travel (far) ___than we did last year. 6. I noticed that today my daughter looked (happy) ___ than usual. 7. As people get old, they try to maintain a (healthy) ___ lifestyle than when they are young 8. Travelling by bus is much (slow) ___than travelling by bullet train. 9. Jim didn’t feel well today, so he performed (badly) ___than usual. 10. You are (good) ___than me when it comes to public speaking. II. Circle the correct answer. 1. Jim boasted that he could run (faster/fastlier) than anyone else in his class. 2. Her presentation is (poorer/more poorly) prepared than I expected. 3. Jim seems to care (littler/ less) about his health than he should. 4. If you had tried (harder/ more hardly), you would have passed the test. 5. Today the sun shines (brighter/ more brightly) than yesterday. 6. Snow storm in my hometown is (more severe/ more severely) than anywhere else in the country. 7. I think you could reach a (higher/ more highly) position in the company if you tried. 8. If you behaved (cleverer/ more cleverly), they would look up to you. 9. Although my computer is old-fashioned, it runs (smoother/ more smoothly) than many of the modern ones. 10. Thanks to immense practice, Jim can speak English much (more fluent/ more fluently) than he used to. III. Complete the sentence using superlative form of the adjectives. 1. Josh is the second (intelligent) student in his class. 2. If only the traffic in my hometown was (convenient) than it is now. 3. Hanoi is amongst (polluted) city in the world. 4. I wish that my house was (spacious) 5. By far, I have ever seen this (stunning) scene 6. He seems to be (tall) amongst the children at his age. 7. You did a quite good job yesterday but I expected you to be (good) . You got me down a little bit. 8. This must be (inspiring) speech of yours. Everyone in the room clapped their hands in 2
  3. delight. 9. Admittedly, I anticipated a (good) performance of yours. You didn’t prepare well for this, did you? 10. This is not (expensive) car in the showroom. There are many other cars at higher cost. KEY UNIT 2 I. 1. more populous 2. more densely 3. more reliable 4. better 5. Further 6. happier 7. healthier 8. Slower 9. worse 10. better II. 1. faster 2. more poorly 3.less 4. harder 5. more brightly 6. more severe 7. highe 8. more cleverly 9. more smoothly 10. more fluently III. 1. most intelligent 2. more convenient 3. the most polluted 4. more spacious 5. the most stunning 6. the tallest 7. better 8. the most inspiring 9. better 10. the most expensive 3