Đề khảo sát chất lượng đầu năm Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Đề số 5 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

III. Match each word in column A to a suitable definition in column B.
Column A Column B.
1. source (n)
2. compose (v)
3. planet (n)
4. capture (v)
A. large mass of material which move around the Sun or stars.
B. take someone as a prisoner.
C. the place that something comes from.
D. to produce music, poetry or formal writing.

IV. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in CAPITALS.
1. You must be ……………… when you cross the road in the city. CARE
2. The common serious problem in many countries is ……………. FOREST
3. The price of …………………………… has gone up again. ELECTRIC
4. The gas from the chemical factories is ………………… HARM
5. Their ………………………….. has lasted a lifetime. FRIEND
6. People think that gods create ……………………. eruption. VOLCANO

docx 4 trang Quốc Hùng 07/08/2023 780
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Nội dung text: Đề khảo sát chất lượng đầu năm Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Đề số 5 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

  1. Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo Đề khảo sát chất lượng đầu năm Năm học 2021 - 2022 Môn: Tiếng Anh 9 Thời gian làm bài: phút (Đề thi số 5) I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. A. Garage B. Carriage C. Garbage D. Sewage 2. A. Typhoon B. Flood C. Balloon D. Groom 3. A. Private B. Celebrate C. Locate D. Nominate 4. A. Hole B. Hobby C. Honest D. House 5. A. Terrify B. Symbol C. Deny D. Dynamite 6. A. Healthy B. Thunder C. Earthquake D. Gather II. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete each dialogue. 1. Linda: Have you your homework? Daisy: No, I haven’t. Exercise 2 is too A. finish/hard B. finished/hard C. finish/hardly D. finished/hardly 2. Linda: You don’t like sport, you? Daisy: Yes. But I prefer TV. A. do/watch B. do/watching C. don’t/watch D. don’t/watching 3. Linda: Who are you waiting at the moment? Daisy: My girl friend. She is A. for/coming B. on/comes C. on/coming D. for/comes 4. Linda: What are consumers interested ? Daisy: The price and the quality of the A. on/product B. at/production C. in/products D. on/productive 5. Linda: What can we do to spend less on lighting? Daisy: Replace the ordinary 100-watt light bulbs energy-saving bulbs. A. with B. on C. to D. in
  2. 6. Linda: What would you do if you an alien from a UFO? Daisy: I would home as fast as possible. A. met/ran B. meet/run C. met/run D. meet/ran III. Match each word in column A to a suitable definition in column B. Column A Column B. 1. source (n) 2. compose (v) 3. planet (n) 4. capture (v) A. large mass of material which move around the Sun or stars. B. take someone as a prisoner. C. the place that something comes from. D. to produce music, poetry or formal writing. IV. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in CAPITALS. 1. You must be when you cross the road in the city. CARE 2. The common serious problem in many countries is . FOREST 3. The price of has gone up again. ELECTRIC 4. The gas from the chemical factories is HARM 5. Their has lasted a lifetime. FRIEND 6. People think that gods create . eruption. VOLCANO V. Fill in each gap with only ONE suitable word from the box. same English to the England language In the United States of America the national (1) . is also English. Over four hundred years ago, some English people sailed (2) North America to live there and they brought the new language to this new land. Now in (3) United States of America, people use American English. Most of the words are the (4) in American English and British English, but American people say some (5) words not like people do in England. Canada is to the North of the United States of America. It is larger than the United States. In Canada many people speak English because they also came from (6) many
  3. years ago. But in some parts of Canada, they speak French as people living in these parts came from France. VI. Choose the option A, B, C, or D that needs correcting. 1. My sister are going to study in New York next month. A B C D 2. If there will be too much exhaust fume, our breathing will be badly affected. A B C D 3. We suggest plant some more trees in the school yard. A B C D 4. Mary didn’t go to the zoo with her friends because of her sick. A B C D 5. Dick’s teacher wishes he is a good student at school. A B C D 6. We are fond of wear uniform at school. A B C D VII. Complete the sentences in such a way that the meaning remains unchanged from the original ones. 1. The storm destroyed the town completely The town . 2. Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car. In spite 3. Let’s put garbage bins around the school yard. I suggest . 4. Tom failed the exam because of his laziness. Because Tom was 5. Mary is better cook than Daisy. Daisy can’t ĐÁP ÁN I.
  4. Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 Đáp án A B A C B D II. Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 Đáp án B B A C A C III. Câu 1 2 3 4 Đáp án C D A B IV. Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 Đáp án careful deforestation electricity harmful friendliness volcanic V. Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 Đáp án language to the same English England VI. Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 Đáp án B A B D C C VII. 1 The town was destroyed completely by the storm. 2 In spite of his broken leg, he managed to get out of the car. 3 I suggest putting garbage bins around the school yard. 4 Because Tom was lazy, he failed the exam 5 Daisy can’t cook as well as Mary.