Đề cương học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 9

II/ Combine each pair of sentences, using (Who, Whom, Which, Whose) 
1.The letter is from London. Our sister is reading it. 
2.She wears the uniform. It was made last week.                
3.Nam gives me the tickets. He bought them yesterday.        
4.The dog is the biggest one in this area. My brother is taking the dog. 
5.Who is the woman? Our teacher is talking to that woman. 
III/ Combine each pair of sentences, using WHO, WHOM, WHICH: 
1. “Time” is a magazine. It is read in those countries. 
2. Many readers have used this card-catalogue. It is very helpful in finding the titles of the books. 
3. This is the man. He gave me your notebooks this morning. 
4. I’m sure this is the school girl. She told them to do it. 
5. Bring me the dictionary. It is on the table. 
6. He has some friends. I know them. 
7. Nothing will help me. You can do it now. 
8. The bee flew away quickly. The bee had stung you. 
9. We don’t like the food very much. It has just taken form the refrigerator. 
10. The dress belongs to my teacher. It has the beautiful picture. 
IV/ Combine each pair of sentences, using WHERE or WHEN: 
1. The house was built twenty years ago. We are living in the house. 
2. That is the room. The meeting was held in that room. 
3. He always remembers the day. We first met on that day. 
4. She was born in Malaysia. Rubber trees grow well there. 
5. No one knows the school. My uncle taught at that school five years ago. 
6. Please ask them the time. The train started the trip at that time. 
7. New year's day is the day. All family's members gather and enjoy a family dinner then. 
8. We'll take you to Dalat. You can enjoy pure air there. 
9. You can't enjoy hiking in winter. Snow covers everything in winter. 
10. The field is very fertile. They plant potatoes in the field.
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Nội dung text: Đề cương học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 9

  1. Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT I. Adjectives and Adverbs (Tính từ và Trạng Từ) a. Adjective: VỊ TRÍ CỦA TÍNH TỪ: - Tính từ đứng trước một danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đó. Ex: It is a white shirt. - Tính từ theo sau một số động từ như: to be, seem, keep, look, feel, taste, sound, smell, get, become b. Adverb: CÁCH THÀNH LẬP TRẠNG TỪ CHỈ THỂ CÁCH: Tính từ + ly Trạng từ Một số trường hợp ngoại lệ: good well early early late late hard hard fast fast Ex: He is a good student. He studies well. Trạng từ có chức năng bổ nghĩa cho động từ thường. II. ADVERB CLAUSES OF REASON: Các mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do bắt đầu bằng: Because / Since / As nói lên lý do của sự việc được thể hiện qua mệnh đề chính. Ex: Ba is tired because / since / as he stayed up late watching TV. III. ADJECTIVE + THAT CLAUSE Trong đó “that-clause” bổ sung nghĩa cho adjective; mang nghĩa “rằng, là, mà”. S + to be + Adjective + That + S + V Ex: That’s wonderful. I am pleased that you are working hard. adj. that-clause IV. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 1 (Câu điều kiện loại 1) Nói đến một khả năng có thể xảy ra, thành hiện thực trong tương lai. Câu điều kiện thông thường có 2 phần: - Phần nêu lên điều kiện bắt đầu với IF ta gọi là mệnh đề chỉ điều kiện (If Clause). Nếu mệnh đề if viết trước thì phải có dấu phảy. - Phần nêu lên kết quả gọi là mệnh đề chính. (Main Clause) IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE Verb in Simple Present (Hiện Tại Đơn) Verb in Simple Future (Tương lai đơn) If - S – V (s/es)- O S – will – V (bare infinitive) - O BÀI TẬP THAM KHẢO I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Conditional sentence Type 1): 1. If I find it, I (give) .you a call. 2. If you (like) , I can get you a job in this company. 3. If he pays me tonight, I (have) enough money for the tickets. 1
  2. 4. If I (pass) the exam, I will go to the university next October. 5. If I tell the police the truth, I’m sure they (believe ) you. 6. We (be) able to walk across the river if the ice is thick enough. 7. If it (be) fine tomorrow, we’ll go for a walk. 8. You can see my phone if yours (not work) . 9. Unless I (hear) the alarm, I won’t wake up. 10. if you put these glasses into very hot water, they (crack) . II.Combine these pairs of sentences. Use “Because/ Since/ As”. 1. The water is highly polluted. We can not swim in this part of the river. 2. It started to rain. We could not keep on the cleaning the beach. . 3. We want people to be aware of the problem of pollution. We have “a green week” three times a year. 4. Mr. Minh is admired. He dedicates all his life to protecting the environment. 5. The area around the beach is full of trash. No one wants to go swimming or sunbathing there. 6 . I have a broken leg. I fell over while I was playing basket ball. . 7. Hoa wants to go home. Hoa feels sick. 8. I broke the cup. I was careless. 9. Ba is tired. Ba stayed up late watching TV. 10. I am hungry. I haven’t eaten all day. III.Combine each pair of sentences into one(adj +that clauses). 1) No one stopped those people cutting down the trees. I was surprised. 2) The oil will pollute the sea. People are worried. 3) My team has won the first award of the competition. I am proud. . 4) They can help us to clean the beach. They are certain. 5) People can recover very quickly. I am very happy. 6) They didn’t tell us how to do it. I am disappointed. 7) I am working hard. My father is pleased. UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY I. Connectives (các từ nối): and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however Có chức năng nối các từ, các mệnh đề, các câu lại với nhau. 2
  3. Ex: I’d love to play volleyball but I have to complete an assignment. II. Phrasal verbs (Các ngữ động từ) turn off (tắt), turn on (mở, bật), look for (tìm, kiếm), look after (trông nom, chăm sóc), go on (tiếp tục) III. Making Suggestions (Đưa ra lời đề nghị) 1. SUGGEST + V-ING: Ex: I suggest collecting some money. 2. SUGGEST + (that) + S + should +V: Ex: I suggest (that) you should speak English in class. BÀI TẬP THAM KHẢO I. Use AND, SO , BUT, HOWEVER, OR, SO, THEREFORE to complete the sentences. 1. Polly’s watch was broken she borrowed mine. 2. My family went to Africa she wanted to study the wild animals. 3. Melissa tried to read the book. , she couldn’t understand it. 4. They went to town bought a lot of things. 5. She isn’t English. , she speaks English perfectly. 6. The air polluted there too much traffic. 7. Does she a teacher doctor? 8. I haven’t got a car I’ve got a motorbike. 9. They are pretty intelligent. 10. Do you live in the city in the country? 11. She was poor she was honest. II.Rewite the sentences: 1. Why don’t you install a burglar alarm in your house? I suggest you 2. Let’s put garbage bins around the school yard. I suggest 3.Shall we go to the cinema tonight ? What about ? 4. I think it would be a good idea to take the train. I suggest III.Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form: 1. The doctor suggested that his patient (stop) smoking. 2. How about (dine) out tonight? 3. I suggest that you should (take) a vacation. 4. She suggest that he (leave) now. 5. I suggested (help) our mother with the housework. 6. Why don’t we (go) .to the library now? 7. Let’s (do) some reading every day. 8. We suggested his (see) a doctor. 9. What about (ask) .our teacher for help. 10. I suggest we should (work) harder. UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS I. RELATIVE CLAUSES (Các mệnh đề quan hệ) ADJECTIVE CLAUSE - Meänh ñeà tính ngöõ hay RELATIVE PRONOUNS - Ñaïi töø quan heä CAÙCH DUØNG CAÙC RELATIVE PRONOUNS SUBJECT OBJECT POSSESSION 3
  4. (Chuû töø) (Tuùc töø) (Sôû höõu) FOR PERSONS WHO WHOM WHOSE (Ngöôøi) THINGS, WHICH WHICH WHOSE ANIMALS (OF WHICH) (Vaät, con vaät) 1. WHO: Thay theá cho danh töø hoaëc cuïm danh töø chæ ngöôøi vaø laøm chuû töø trong caâu phía sau: 2. WHOM: Thay theá cho danh töø hoaëc cuïm töø chæ cgöôøi vaø laøm tuùc töø trong caâu phía sau: 3. WHICH: Thay theá cho danh töø chæ thuù vaät , söï vieäc, vaät vaø laøm chuû töø laãn tuùc töø trong caâu phía sau. 4. WHOSE: Thay theá cho Tính Töø Sôû Höõu. (MY, TOUR, HER, HIS, OUR, THEIR) maø ñöùng tröôùc danh töø chæ ngöôøi , vaät, söï vieäc Whose luoân luoân ñi keøm vôùi 1 Danh Töø Chuù yù: WHOSE VAØ OF WHICH: Theo vaên phaïm coå, thì WHOSE chæ söï sôû höõu duøng cho ngöôøi coøn OF WHICH thay cho thuù vaät, vaät, söï vieäc. 5. THAT A. Nhìn chung ta coù theå duøng THAT ñeå thay theá cho WHO, WHOM, WHICH B. Khoâng ñöôïc duøng THAT trong caùc tröôøng hôïp sau: 1. Sau 1 giôùi töø: Ex: The dog is very big and angry . I gave a bone to it. The dog to which I gave a bone is a very big and angry. Chuù yù:Neáu muoán duøng "THAT" thì ta ñem giôùi töø ra phía sau 2. Trong meänh ñeà khoâng giôùi haïn: NON-RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE C. Baét buoäc duøng THAT: Sau 1 tieàn trí töø hoãn hôïp : (ngöôøi vaät laãn loän) (MIXED ANTECEDENT) Ex: The old man and two dogs made much noise . They passed my house yesterday. The old man and two dogs that I passed my house yesterday made much noise. Sau 1 tính töø cöïc caáp (so saùnh baäc nhaát = SUPERLATIVE) Trong caâu thöôøng coù THE BEST vaø THE MOST. -Sau caùc töø sau: ALL, EVERY, VERY, ONLY, FIRST, LAST, MUCH, LITTLE, SOME, ANY, NO RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE = DEFINING CLAUSE (Meänh ñeà giôùi haïn) Moät meänh ñeà tính ngöõ goïi laø giôùi haïn khi naøo noù caàn thieát cho yù nghóa cuûa caû caâu. . Neáu boû noù ñi thì caâu seõ khoâng ñaày ñuû yù nghóa. Chuù yù trong tröôøng hôïp naøy giöõa meänh ñeà chính vaø meänh ñeà tính ngöõ khoâng coù daáu phaåy (,) NON-RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE = NON - DEFINING CLAUSE (Meänh ñeà khoâng giôùi haïn) Meänh ñeà tínhngöõ khoâng giôùi haïn laø meänh ñeà khoâng caàn thieát cho caâu . Neáu boû noù ñi thì meänh ñeà chính vaãn coøn ñuû yù nghóa . Noù chæ theâm vaøo meänh ñeà chính 1 ít chi tieát maø thoâi. Chuù yù: Giöõa meänh ñeà chính vaø meänh ñeà khoâng giôùi haïn coù daáu phaåy (,) . Chuù yù: Thöôøng ta duøng daáu phaåy (,) sau: 4
  5. Danh töø rieâng. Tính töø sôû höõu : my, your, his, her, our, their Khoâng duøng THAT trong meänh ñeà khoâng giôùi haïn. @ NOTES: I/ Combination: - Tìm töø töông ñoàng ( caâu I: tìm danh töø thöôøng ñöùng tröôùc ñoäng töø hoaëc cuoái caâu, caâu II danht töø hoaëc caùc töø thuoäc ngoâi thöù 3 “he, she, it , they ” - Vieát caâu I cho ñeán danh töø, theâm vaøo DTQH - Vieát töø ñaàu caâu II, boû töø gioáng nhau trong caâu II, vieát tieáp caâu I (neáu coøn) Ex: The man was friendly. He took me to the airport. -> The man who took me to the airport was friendly. Ex: You should get a dictionary. You can look up these difficult words in it. -> You should get a dictionary which / that you can look up these difficult words in. -> You should get a dictionary to look up these difficult words in. II/ Multiple choice 1/ Noun of person + Who + verb / Whom + S + Verb / Whose + Noun 2/ Noun of thing + Which + Verb / S + Verb 3/ Noun of place + Where + S + Verb ( Note of the use of which and where) 4/ Noun of time + When + S + Verb 5/ Noun of reason + Why + S + Verb “That” = “who, whom, which” ( Neáu caâu coù daáu phaåy hoaëc coù giôùi töø khoâng ñöôïc duøng “that”) Prep + Which / whom II. ADVERB CLAUSES OF CONCESSION (Các mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự nhượng bộ) 1. although / even though / though + clause: mặc dù / cho dù Ex: Although they were tired, they continued working. 2. in spite of / despite + noun / noun phrase: Ex: In spite of / Despite heavy traffic, he arrived on time.    UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Grammar: Relative pronouns (continued) BÀI TẬP THAM KHẢO I/ Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns (Who, Whom, Which) 1. The girls ___ are playing skip rope are my friends. 2. He finally married the girl ___ he loved. 3. The presents___ my mother gave me are very beautiful. 4. Tet is a festival ___ occurs in late January or early February. 5. The men ___ you saw on TV were from China. 6. Is this the pen you ___lost? 7. The car ___ he has just bought is very expensive. 8. The book ___ he is reading is on Christmas' Eve. 9. Do you know the boy ___ the police are looking for? 10. The man ___ we met yesterday is a famous doctor. 11. The actor ___ Lan likes best is Lam Truong. 5
  6. 12. The dog ___ is barking is Lan’s 13. The woman ___ you met yesterday is my teacher. 14. The news ___ makes me happy is from Tam. 15. These exercises ___ the teacher asks you to do is difficult. 16. Our grandparents ___ loved us so much died. 17. Christmas is a festival ___ is on 24th December. 18.The girl. . won the prize is happy. 19. The bicycle is in my house is mine 20.I am using a sentence. contains an adjective clause. II/ Combine each pair of sentences, using (Who, Whom, Which, Whose) 1.The letter is from London. Our sister is reading it. 2.She wears the uniform. It was made last week. 3.Nam gives me the tickets. He bought them yesterday. 4.The dog is the biggest one in this area. My brother is taking the dog. 5.Who is the woman? Our teacher is talking to that woman. III/ Combine each pair of sentences, using WHO, WHOM, WHICH: 1. “Time” is a magazine. It is read in those countries. 2. Many readers have used this card-catalogue. It is very helpful in finding the titles of the books. 3. This is the man. He gave me your notebooks this morning. 4. I’m sure this is the school girl. She told them to do it. 5. Bring me the dictionary. It is on the table. 6. He has some friends. I know them. 7. Nothing will help me. You can do it now. 8. The bee flew away quickly. The bee had stung you. 9. We don’t like the food very much. It has just taken form the refrigerator. 10. The dress belongs to my teacher. It has the beautiful picture. IV/ Combine each pair of sentences, using WHERE or WHEN: 1. The house was built twenty years ago. We are living in the house. 2. That is the room. The meeting was held in that room. 3. He always remembers the day. We first met on that day. 4. She was born in Malaysia. Rubber trees grow well there. 5. No one knows the school. My uncle taught at that school five years ago. 6. Please ask them the time. The train started the trip at that time. 7. New year's day is the day. All family's members gather and enjoy a family dinner then. 8. We'll take you to Dalat. You can enjoy pure air there. 9. You can't enjoy hiking in winter. Snow covers everything in winter. 10. The field is very fertile. They plant potatoes in the field. V. Use “ALTHOUGH” to combine each pair of these sentences. 1.He often tells lies. Many people believe him. 2.She didn’t each much. She was hungry. . 3.He is over 60. He doesn’t wear glasses. . 4.It got dark. They continued to work. . 5.She kept on studying. It was noisy. . 6.He ate all the fruits. They were green. . 6
  7. 7.We could do the test. It was very difficult. . 8.He is very strong. I’m not afraid of him. . 9.The plane took off. The weather was bad. . 10He didn’t stop his car. The traffic lights turned red. . VI.Rewrite the sentences: 1. The joke was funny, but no one laughed. Although 2. .Donna got the job, but she didn’t have the qualifications. 3.Although UNIT 10 : LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS I. MAY / MIGHT: 1. Diễn tả một khả năng có thể xảy ra, nhưng không chắc chắn lắm: MAY / MIGHT + V (bare infinitive) Ex: What is in this box? - It may / might be a watch. * Note: May có vẻ chắc chắn hơn Might một chút. MAY / MIGHT+ BE + V-ING (có thể đang làm gì) Ex: Where’s Jim? He may/ might be doing his homework. * Note: Khi diễn tả sự chắc chắn, ta dùng must / have to + V-inf Ex: What’s that? It must be a star. 2. MAY NOT / MIGHT NOT là dạng phủ định của may / might 3. MAY / MIGHT diễn tả khả năng không chắc chắn ở tương lai. Ex: He may / might come tomorrow. 4. MAY có thể dùng để xin phép và cho phép: Ex: May I go out? Yes, you may. II. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES: TYPE II Diễn tả điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại. IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE Simple Past (Quá Khứ Đơn) Simple Conditional If - S – V (2/ed)- O S – would – V (bare infinitive) - O Ex: If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. (Thật sự tôi không thể nào là bạn được.) BÀI TẬP THAM KHẢO I- Give the correct tense form of the verb in brackets. 1-If there (not be) gravity, the moon ( shoot) into space instead of traveling around the Earth. 2-Were I your age ,I (do) .differently. 3-Should I find your passport ,I (telephone) .you immediately. 4-This letter has got to be in Ho Chi Minh in two days. I am sure that if I (send) it today, it (arrive) in time. 5-I am not an astronaut. If I (be) . an astronaut, I( take) my camera with me on the rocket trip next month. 6-Most people know that oil float on water if you (pour) oil on water, it (float) . 7-If there (not be) any oxygen on earth, life as we now (not exist) 8-It’s been a long drought . It hasn’t rained for over a month. If it (not rain) soon, a lot of crops (die) .If the crops (die) ,many people (be) hungry this coming winter. 9-If today (be) Sunday, we (go) . to your native village. 7
  8. 10-What you( do) if you ( be) me? II-Rewrite with “ if”. 1-We don’ t have a lot of money so we can’t buy that house. -> If Unless . 2-I ‘m not free today ,so we can’t go to the beach-> If 3-They have to leave the theater now because the film ‘s very boring. -> If 4- Unless you pass this exam ,you won’t get the scholarship->If 5- Bring a raincoat with you, it may rain on your way home. -> In case 6- Eat less meat or you’ll gain much weight.-> If 7-I advise you not to accept his invitation.-> If 8-Idon’t have enough money to buy that dictionary. If III. Write these sentences using MAY/ MIGHT: 0. Maybe she is not coming today.-> She may/ might not be coming today. 1. Perhaps she is working. - . 2. Perhaps, it’s not a train -> . 3. Perhaps, I don’t know her. . 4. Maybe she has this book. -> . 5. Perhaps they won’t come . -> . IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Conditional sentence Type 2): 1. If you ate less, you (not be) healthy enough 2.If you (have) a typewriter, I would type it myself. 3. If he worked more slowly, he (not make) .so many mistakes. 4. You could get a job easily if your degrees (be) good. 5. He might get fat if he (stop) .smoking. 6. You (not have) .so much trouble if you had your car. 7. I would keep a horse if you (can) afford it. 8. If he knew it was dangerous, he (not come) 9. He (look) .better if he ironed his clothes more often. 10. If I (look) her address, I would give it to you IV. Read the passage carefully,and then answer the questions below it:(2ms) Tet is a national and family festival.It is an occasion for every vietnamese to have a good time while thinking about the last year and the next year.At Tet,spring fairs are organized,streets and public buidings are brightly decorated and almost all shops are crowded with people shopping for Tet.At home,everything is tidied,special food is cooked,offerings of food,fresh water,flowers and betel are made on the family altar with burning joss-sticks scenting the air. First-footing is made when the first visitor comes and children are given lucky money wrapped in a red tiny envelope.Tet is also time for peace and love.During Tet,children often behave well and friends,relatives and neighbors give each other best wishes for the new year. *Questions: 1. Why is Tet a national and family festival? 2. What do people do to prepare for Tet? 3. What do chidren often receive at Tet? 4. What do people do during Tet? VI. Read the passage: 8
  9. Here is the weather forecast. Today it’s going to be mostly fine with plenty of sunshine in the south. By the afternoon there will be showers in the west. The temperaturs will be between 200C and 220C. Tomorrow morning there will be big wind throughout the whole country, so be careful on the roads. There may also be thunderstorms on the east. Answer the questions: (2.5ms ) 1. What’s the weather today going to be like? 2. Will there be a lot of sunshine in the south? 3. How about the west? 4. What will the weather be like tomorrow morning? 5. Will there be any sunshine in the east? III. Choose the word A, B, C or D that best fits the blank (2pts): These days it is impossible to open a newspaper (1) .reading about the damage we are doing to the environment. The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad.(2) can each of us do?.We cannot clean (3) our polluted rivers and seas overnight. Nor can we stop the (4) .of plants and animals. But we can stop adding to the problem (5) .scientists look for answers. It may not be easy to change your lifestyle(6) but some steps are easy to take: cut down the amount of driving you do, or use as little plastic as possible. It is also easy to save (7) .which also reduces household bills. We must all make a personal decision to work for the future of our planet if we want to ensure a better world (8) .our grandchildren. 1. A. with B. without C. and D. but 2. A. where B. when C. why D. what 3. A. up B. to C. on D. in 4. A. disappearance B. appearance C. disappear D. appear 5. A. when B. during C. while D. within 6. A. complete B. completeness C. completely D. to complete 7. A. water B. energy C. money D. health 8. A. from B. for C. to D. in IV.Read the text carefully, then answer the questions below 1. Almost a hundred thousand people were killed and half a million homes destroyed as a result of an earthquake in Tokyo in 1923. The earthquake began a minute before noon when habitants of Tokyo were cooking their midday meals. Thousands of stoves were overturned as soon as the earth began to shake. As a result, small fires broke out everywhere and quickly spread. The fire engines were prevented from going to help because many of the roads had cracked open. It was impossible to use fire fighting equipment as most of the water pipes had burst. Consequently, over ninety percent of the damage was caused by fire rather than by the collapse of buildings. 1. What happened when there was an earthquake in Tokyo in 1923? 2. When did the earthquake begin? 3. What were habitants of Tokyo doing when the earthquake began? 4. What caused over ninety percent of the damage? 5. What should you do if there is an earthquake? 9
  10. 2. If you live in an earthquake zone, you should take some time to look around your house. Place heavy books on the bottom shelf of your bookshelves. Block the rollers on your fridge and washing machine to prevent them from moving. Put hanging potted plants in plastic containers. Check the mirrors in your bathroom and bedroom. Make sure they can’t move. Don’t put your bed next to a window. Planning where you are going to be during an earthquake is very important. The first thing to remember is to stay inside. Then you should sit under a strong table or doorway, or stand in the corner of a room. 1. What should we do if we live in an earthquake zone? 2. Where should we place the heavy books? 3. Why we must block the rollers on the fridge and washing machine? 4. Where should we stay during the earthquake? 5. Is it important to plan where we are going to be during the earthquake? 10